Monday, 6 February 2012

Required Arabic / Islamic Teacher - Al Resala Bilingual School in Kuwait

1. To provide effective teaching in the school.
2. To undertake patrol, supervisory and extracurricular.
3. To contribute to academic, pastoral and general development of the school.

1- Major Responsibilities:
1. To teach classes as timetabled by the Head of Department.
2. To undertake supervision duties as directed by school administration.
3. To plan both long and short range activities in accordance with curriculum objectives and school philosophy.
4. To prepare course objectives and outline for course of study following curriculum guidelines required by the school.

2- Teacher’s Performance:
1. Prepare weekly plan charts ad daily lesson plans.
2. Work cooperatively with the co-teacher assigned for the class.
3. To vary the methods of teaching.
4. To prepare and present effective lessons within the curriculum guidelines received for these classes.
5. To focus on the importance of the integration between skills such as thinking, listening, writing, reading etc.
6. To link the new skills with the previous ones.
7. To show awareness of the content of the subject taught.
8. To prepare written schemes of work.

3- Class Management:
1. To maintain punctuality and helpful readiness for all classes.
2. To follow up a quite method in disciplinary and behavior control.
3. To determine what is expected of students’ behavior and to implement it with constancy and continuity.
4. To encourage the positive behavior and treat the negative behavior according to school rules and procedures
5. To provoke the enthusiasm of the students by giving the examples and proper directions.
6. To set up high expectations of student conduct and performance and to maintain good discipline in and out classroom.
7. To keep all appropriate records such as Exam papers, Grades, Worksheets, attendance and schedules.

- Class Environment and Good Usage of the Tools:
1. To maintain a safe and healthy environment.
2. To maintain cleanse and neatness of the class.
3. To maintain a continuous and changeable presentation on the bulletin boards reflect concepts and skills taught.
4. To prepare a suitable range of materials for effective teaching to form part of the school’s resources bank.
5. To use the proper and the required materials for explaining the lessons.
6. To inspect and replace damaged or lost materials.
7. To vary the materials and unique anew and proper invention of it which suit the lesson objectives.
8. To arrange a classroom environment in accordance to program goals and philosophy.
9. To prepare and set up a pleasant and instructive teaching environment in which students will feel welcome and happy.

(5) Relate to students:
1. To evaluate students regularly both formally and informally, by oral and written means.
2. To recognize students’ differing needs and provide appropriate work and activities within the agreed curriculum guidelines.
3. To identify students with special needs and recommend appropriate help for these to Head of Department / or Principal.
4. To set and correct appropriate homework, following agreed procedures.
5. To set, prepare and mark tests, exams following agreed procedures.
6. To complete follow up and document the assessment of children’s development.
7. To liaise with other staff members on all relevant areas concerning the students’ performance and discipline.
8. To assist new students in setting down.
9. To praise, support and encourage students as appropriate.
10. To discipline students within agreed limits and using agreed procedures.
11. To familiarize students with the procedures, structures and rules of the school.
12. To maintain records of students achievements, activities, disciplinary problems.
13. To meet the emotional, social, physical needs of each student.

(6) Related to Parents:
1. To report student’s academic and behavioral progress to parents in report cards and through parent- teacher conferences.
2. Maintain daily open communication with parents.
3. To provide the administration and School Counselor with the required information about the students.
4. 4. To cooperate with the school counselor in carrying out the remedial plans for students.

(7) Punctuality and Appearance:
1. To familiarize him/her with and adhere to policies, instructions and procedures relating to attendance, absence, and general conduct of duties as described in the contract.
2. To complete all school administrative tasks efficiently, accurately and promptly.
3. To comply with the school’s instructions concerning the proper school uniform.
4. To comply with the school regulations concerning punctuality and abiding to it in the
following areas:-
• Attendance and absence.
• Duty
• School meetings, conferences, celebrations and special events.

(8) General:
1. To attend and contribute to staff meetings, celebrations, workshops and special events.
2. To coordinate class field trips.
3. To participate in the school appraisal system.
4. To undertake various supervision duties as directed by school administration.
5. To participate in the extra curricular program of the school.
6. To be prepared to cover in the absence of a teacher.
7. To provide support for other class teachers during non-contact periods.

B.A. Degree - Teaching Certificate

Minimum three years teaching experience in an international school.

Apply Online

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