Thursday, 4 July 2013

Required Consultant For Developing A Parliamentary Training Center Strategy - UNDP

    Advance degree in social or political science, law or related fields.

    Ten years of experience in providing technical advice in parliamentary development and training;
    Previous experience in similar assignments is required;
    Good skills of computer.

    Fluent in English and Arabic.

Produce a strategy on the role and functions of the Parliamentary Training Center requirements, including but not limited to:
    Types of services and clients;
    Organizational structure and different units;
    Staffing requirements;
    Job description for the different posts;
    Infrastructure, systems and processes required;
    ICT infrastructure and requirements for e – information services;
    Exploring the possibility of linking the center to the academic and research institutions in the country as well as the linkages with the regional and international institutes;
    Budgetary requirements for the center establishment;
    Component on ownership and sustainability;
    Best international practices.

 The consultant should observe main streaming the issues of gender, human rights and environment.

Expected Output:
The consultant shall produce a strategy that includes practical, sustainable and realistic suggestions for the establishment of the training center. The strategy should be translated into action plan that is part of the report and provides for type/ sequence of actions, time frames, resources needed and person or organ responsible.

The consultant will submit an inception report indicating his work strategy.
The consultant will produce a first draft of the strategy for the discussion with UNDP, the Training Department and the General Secretariat of the National Assembly.
The consultant will produce the final version following the inputs and contributions.

Apply Online

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