Monday, 9 July 2012

How to check if your system is infected with Alureon/ DNS Changer

Finally its 9th of July i.e. Malware Monday when there’s a risk that thousands of PC worldwide (including India) may lose their internet connection due to a virus called Alureon or DNS Changer Bot. Alureon is a malware designed to redirect the traffic to fake websites in order to steal user information such as financial transaction info or personal stuff like usernames, passwords e.t.c.
Alureon will also change the DNS of a system and redirect it to another server without any warning due to which that system won’t be able to access internet.
To check if your computer is infected or not; the DNS Changer Working Group created a list of websites which will tell you whether your PC is safe or not. One of such websites is Click on the website and it will tell you the status of your PC. If its GREEN your PC is safe but if its RED, your PC is possibly infected and you may lose your internet connection.

Here’s the list of websites where you can check if your PC is infected or not. To be on a safer side it is suggested not to make any online transaction or download any unknown file from the internet on July 9th 2012.

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