Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Global Warming International Conference 2012 (GWIC 12)

This is to announce the call for participation at the Global Warming International Conference 2012 (GWIC 12), 20th - 24th April 2012 at Eco Garden Hotel, 23 Brook Street, London, W1K 4HA, United Kingdom.

The Stern Review underlined that increased investment in R&D and innovation could significantly reduce CO2 emissions and we have seen more than Ј3 billion of venture capital invested in clean tech worldwide since January 2007 (Source: Ernst & Young). However, we need to create much better international, national and regional structures and systems to adapt to climate change as well those to stimulate, nurture and progress new low carbon ideas through R&D to commercialization and the marketplace. A new system is needed that fosters sustainable, low carbon and resource productive innovation - short, medium and long-term. Designers, innovators, investors, entrepreneurs, consumers and governments all have a role to play in the change that is needed.
GWIC 12 themed "Impacts of Global Warming on the Environment" Global Warming Policy and Markets will provide a platform to discuss the future opportunities and challenges related to the design, development and commercialization of low carbon innovation, technologies, products and services. GWIC 12 will include invited and refereed papers from academics, consultants, entrepreneurs, investors, technology providers, designers, sustainability, environment and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) managers as well as other business functions. The event will be a unique learning experience, networking space and an opportunity to think. Delegates will come globally from companies, entrepreneurs, as well as academia, government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The conference is supported by an international Advisory Board.
Conference topics
GWIC 12 welcomes conceptual and research-based papers covering sustainable innovation, technology, product and service design and development. Papers focused on low carbon solutions and sustainable innovation related to the following topics are particularly welcomed:
· Global Warming
· Sustainable Environment, Health and Development
· Carbon & GHG Management
· Business Solutions
· Greenhouse Gas & Ecosystems
· Human Health In a Changing Climate
· Agricultural and Forestry Resources Management
· Clean Energy Technology
· Low GHG Transportation
· Education: Global Change & Sustainable Development
· Case studies
Benefits GWIC 12 will provide a range of benefits to speakers and delegates:
    * Sponsorship: Air ticket, travel insurance, visa fees and per diem to be covered for all qualified delegates
    * Unique: Forum for new ideas and concepts
    * Leading-edge: Presentations from key international researchers, practitioners and policy- makers
    * Content: New research, results and thinking
    * Networking: Opportunities to meet business, government and academia
    * Track-record: Over 900 delegates from over 50 countries have attended previous conferences
    * Established: 5th International Conference
Submission details
Conference papers: please email to:gwicc2012@live.com, up to 500 words describing your proposed paper. The paper will then be sent to the Advisory Board for evaluation and authors will be given feedback on or before 6th April 2012. The highest rated papers will be invited to present at the conference. Please only submit abstracts if you have registered for the conference. Registration is free of charge for participants from developing countries.
For more information on GWIC 12 please contact:
Dr. Frank Ferguson
Conference Chair
9 Millbank, London, SW1P 3GE, UK.
Tel: +44-702-407-7636, +44-702-404-4063
Fax: +44-702-401-7776

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